An exclusive Global Tax Community

We provide a platform for our fast-growing network of tax professionals. Clients benefit from our niche contingent workforce while our community of interims get access to dynamic projects and flexible work life. 

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Our specialised team of interims have a wealth of experience to support multiple business requirements across all tax remits.  We offer a full suite of tools and services to support your internal tax projects.  Our products and services will keep your team streamlined, allowing increased productivity and reduced overheads.  The community driven dynamic brings a unique level of expertise and knowledge sharing to your business. 

Recent projects

  • Head of Tax function for German Insure Tech Firm
  • Tax Risk Assessment for Mid- Market Group
  • Provisioning of Group ETR tool kit
  • Tax Audit Assessment
  • Transfer pricing services to a private bank in Switzerland
  • In-house tax services to a global pharmacutical firm in Switzerland
  • Remote documentation fulfilment for a mid-market firm in London
  • Tax function provision for a start-up in Barcelona

Why Choose Our Services?

Situs Global provides niche support and services for your business, reducing overheads, time commitments and stress.  You get access to an exclusive community of tax experts.   

Experienced Industry professionals

Our team is comprised of seasoned professionals with a wealth of experience and expertise across multiple industries.

Flexible services for your needs

Whether it's assistance with documentation or having support onsite, Situs Global can provide a full spectrum of tax services to suit your business needs.

Streamline your business and reduce costs

Perhaps you're a start-up which needs business support without the investment of hiring someone internally or you could be a multinational company who wants to oursource a niche service area of your business.

Access a network of tax experts

Access our global network of tax experts who have the benefit of extensive knowledge sharing, latest industry insights and dynamic work methods through the Situs Global platform.

What Our Clients Say

We like to work in a dynamic way, encouraging communication and feedback from clients to be agile in the way we provide our products and services.

"Situs Global provided an outstanding service through internal support in the tax function. An efficient way to save both time and money."

Swiss Private Bank
Tax Partner
"Situs Global really understands the industry and how to streamline business. Having an onsite service has freed up time for the rest of the tax team, providing valuable support."
German Insurance firm
"Situs did a great job, acting quickly to support our company documentation needs as well as onsite work. Very professional and niche service."

Swiss Pharmacuetical

join our global team of Interims?

We are looking for exceptional individuals with a wealth of expertise to join our rapidly expanding firm.  Projects are available worldwide.  Join our mailing list to get the latest tax insights as well as opportunities.

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